Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We ate at a McDonald's in France...

The days are blowing by here. Despite our plans to visit some of Danielle's family in Germany this weekend, we had some trouble getting reservations on the trains. No worries, though, we rescheduled for the end of May! Since we spent the weekend here, we got to experience some things the students do. FUTBALL!!! Soccer for us Americans. For those of you who know Danielle well, she's absolutely in love with the game. It made her weekend. We played with a group of students who are still being extremely nice to us - driving us places, cooking us dinner, taking us bowling, downloading illegal copies of this week's Grey's Anatomy, and other essentials. Weirdest thing, on Sunday we had the hardest time finding any stores or restaurant (other than McDo) that was open - definitely not America.

Today we didn't have afternoon classes, so we went into town for a little shopping. Despite going into numerous stores for the both of us, Kely is the only one who bought anything, haha. HOWEVER, there are some promising brown shoes just waiting for Danielle to return to sometime soon. The perfect ending to the day was sharing cheese fondue at a local restaurant. Perfect.

We'll have another post after we return from London this weekend. Have to admit, an English speaking nation is sounding very appealing about now. Love you all.


Cavanahs said...

Well, you can always count on McD's for a great meal!! haha Enjoy your weekend trip and I am glad you get to see the Miller's while you are over there. Have a great Memorial Day weekend.

Jordan said...

Way to stay as American as possible while in France guys! haha

I can't wait to get over there and see you guys in Barcelona! Not much longer and we'll have a European reunion and it's going to be awesome. :)

See you two soon!

emmy said...

Why am I not surprised that a weekend of fun with you two included soccer, shopping and lots of food?

Have fun in London! I can't wait to hear about Spamalot.

Love y'all!

Princess Melissa said...

How was London??

Linda B. said...

Sorry you could not meet the queen but looks like you had a great time anyway. Love, Mom B.